VAST AI Services!

Your Idea! We Develop! Your Software! We service! VAST AI's customer service team is available online 24/7 to help IT professionals and software users around the world.

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Software Development

VAST AI also offers a variety of software development services, including:

  • Custom AI and machine learning model development

  • BOT trading software development

  • Web and mobile application development


In addition to cloud computing and BOT trading software, VAST AI also offers a variety of hosting services. VAST AI can host customers' AI and machine learning workloads on its own infrastructure, or it can help customers to deploy their workloads on other cloud providers, such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.

VAST AI also offers a dedicated hosting service for customers who need more control over their hardware and software environment. VAST AI's dedicated hosting service is ideal for customers who are running large-scale AI and machine learning workloads, or who need to run their workloads in a highly secure environment.

Overall, VAST AI is a leading provider of cloud computing, AI and machine learning software, and hosting services. VAST AI's customer service team is available 24/7 to support IT professionals and software users around the world.

Customer Service

VAST AI's customer service team is available 24/7 via email, chat, and phone. The team is made up of experienced IT professionals and software engineers who are experts in cloud computing and AI. VAST AI's customer service team provides a wide range of services, including:

  • Technical support: Helping customers troubleshoot and resolve any technical problems they may encounter with VAST AI's platform or their own AI and machine learning workloads.
  • Training and education: Teaching customers how to use VAST AI's platform and how to develop and train AI models.
  • Consulting: Advising customers on the best AI and machine learning solutions for their needs.
  • Managed services: Providing ongoing AI and machine learning support on a contract basis.